A podiatrist is an expert in every aspect of foot care. There are many reasons you might need to take advantage of a podiatrist, from something as simple as an ingrowing toenail to referred pain caused by a serious condition, such as Ankylosing Spondylitis. Common foot care problems can cause intense pain and cause mobility issues. They often require expert care to achieve adequate relief. Podiatrists don’t only deal with the feet, they’re also experts in diagnosing and treating conditions of the ankles, lower legs, knees, and even certain lower back conditions that cause referred pain further down the body.
Podiatrist in Palmyra services
Your expert podiatrist in Palmyra can treat a wide range of conditions, including:
Structural foot and lower limb problems: Such as Hallux treatment, bunion pain, Morton’s neuroma, heel pain, metatarsalgia, Achilles tendonitis, clawed toes, ankle, shin and knee pain. Chronic conditions: Including diabetic foot care and education, arthritic conditions, plantar warts (verruca), corns and calluses, fungal nail infections, hard nails, ingrown toenails etc. Mechanical foot and lower limb issues: Pronation and flat feet, orthotics, shoe choices, gait problems, ankle and foot instability etc.
Our podiatrist expertise also covers many childhood conditions, including hypermobility disorders, in-toeing, out-toeing and osteochondrosis.
Access Podiatrist in Palmyra Services without a GP Referral
Private patients can access our podiatrist services with no GP referral. Health fund rebates for treatment are available via HICAPS. We accept Medicare-funded Enhanced Primary Care plan referrals and are a provider of treatment through the Department of Veteran’s Affairs.
Experts in Podiatrist Care
Our Palmyra Podiatrist clinicians are experienced Allied Health Professionals who specialise in every aspect of foot problems, lower limb care, and associated lower back pain. Consultations encompass assessment, diagnosis and treatment of your condition and, where necessary, the use of the latest therapies or minor surgeries carried out on-site. When deemed appropriate, our experienced Podiatrists will refer to other specialist health care professionals to further enhance a diagnosis or treatment programme.